Configuration ============= You can create a configuration file at ``~/.shellp/`` to customize ShellP. In this file, you simple define them as variables, just like in Sphinx's ```` file. Here is an example of a configuration file:: aliases = { 'cd': 'cd --color', 'ga': 'git add', } debug = True timeout = 3600 List of Options --------------- These are the options that you can use in your config file: ``aliases`` A dictionary mapping aliases to commands. Example:: aliases = { 'ga': 'git add .', 'l': 'ls --color -l', } ``bash_alias_files`` This option allows you to make ShellP parse one or more Bash files and extract aliases from it. Example:: bash_alias_files = ['/home/user/.bashrc'] ``debug`` This option enables debug mode when set to ``True``. These are the changes that take effect when you enable this option: - Before a command is run, the array of arguments that will be passed to the command will be shown (e.g. ``['git', 'commit', '-m', 'i hate you']``) ``env_lists`` This option allows you to set colon-separated environment variables such as ``$PATH`` with arrays instead of messy colon-separated strings. The items you add in the array are prepended to the environment variable's existing value. Example:: env_lists = { 'PATH': [ '/home/user/bin', '/other/path', ], } ``env_vars`` This is a dictionary of environment variables to set. Example:: env_vars = { 'EDITOR': 'vim', } ``ps1`` This is the prompt that is shown before the command you type. See `Prompt Format`_ for details on the format of this option. ``timeout`` This sets the timeout for command input in seconds. You can use either an integer or a float. Prompt Format ------------- ``ps1`` uses a clean format that is much more readable than Bash's escape codes. It is parsed using ``str.format()``. Example:: ps1 = '{}{cwd} {symbol} ' Here are the values you can use: ``{bell}`` ASCII BEL character; same as ``chr(7)`` ``{cwd}`` The current working directory ``{git_branch}`` The current Git branch, or an empty string if you're not in a Git directory. ``{hostname}`` Your device's hostname ``{platform["*"]}`` Shows the result of the specified function in the ``platform`` module; for example, ``platform["processor"]`` ``{shellp_version}`` The version of ShellP that you are using ``{style.*}`` The ``beautiful_ansi`` module ``{symbol}`` A ``#`` if you are root, otherwise ``$`` ``{time["*"]}`` The current time formatted with ``time.strftime()`` ``{uid}`` Your user ID ``{user}`` Your username